Best Dumbbells for 2022

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If you want to improve your home gym exponentially, add a dumbbell set. While I generally recommend a barbell and a set of weight plates to start, I’m not sure my garage gym would ever feel complete without a rack full of hex head dumbbells.

You can do so much with dumbbells, no matter if you choose rubber, iron, hex, round, or adjustable ones. Adding a set to your gym will no doubt result in strength and conditioning gains.

In this roundup, I go over all of my picks for the best dumbbells and the best loadable dumbbells so you can make your next favorite home gym purchase with confidence.

Why You Should Trust My Reviews

I don't play around when it comes to reviewing products for you here at Barbell Pursuits. I don't play around when it comes to dumbbells either.

I've tested and tried out many of the dumbbells you'll see today, and of the ones I haven't had the chance to, I've done my due diligence and scoured reviews from people who have, along with in-depth research about them.

Top 11 Best Dumbbells for a Home Gym

Best Overall Dumbbells - REP Rubber Hex Dumbbells

hex rubber dumbbells rep fitness


Pairs: $29.99 - $539.99

Sets: $1099.99 - $3599.99


Rubber Heads w/ Steel Handles

Weight Options

Pairs: 2.5 Lb. - 125 Lb.

Sets: 5 Lb. - 100 Lb.

Handle diameter

22mm (2.5 lb.)

28mm (5 lb. - 15 lb.) 

34mm (17.5 lb.+)


Hexagonal Heads w/ straight knurled handles

Available In Sets



Lifetime (Home Gym)

1-year (commercial use)

The Rubber Hex Dumbbells are a great, classic option that have durable rubber heads and a straight knurled handle for easy use.

rep hex dumbbells

If you want the most all-around durable and quality set (or pairs) of dumbbells, then look no further than the REP Rubber Hex Dumbbells.

Using the classic hexagonal head design, it prevents the dumbbells rolling on your floor in the home gym. I can't count how many times I've looked down to see my dumbbell taking off on its own adventure.

The rubber heads are very durable so you can drop them (from reasonable heights) without worrying about damage. REP Hex Dumbbells have a standard knurled straight steel handle that measures 22mm (2.5 Lb.), 28mm (5 Lb. - 15 Lb.), to 34mm (17.5 Lb.+) in diameter.

Pairs are my recommended purchase option because you don't need to get dumbbells you won't use, but REP offers sets for the Rubber Hex Dumbbells.

Weight ranges from 2.5 Lb. - 125 Lb. for pairs and 5 Lb. - 100 Lb. for sets so there are plenty of options for your gym or your needs. Like I said, I find myself using the extreme ends of dumbbell weights like 2.5 Lb. or 100 Lb. very rarely.

No matter if you're buying the full sets or just buying in pairs, the REP Hex Rubber Dumbbells offer good value overall for home gyms.


  • Knurled Straight Handles Feel Like a Barbell
  • Weight Ranges from 2.5 Lb. - 125 Lb.
  • Sets or Pairs Available
  • Hex Shaped Heads Prevents Rolling
  • Rubber Heads Are Durable


  • Rubber Hex Dumbbells Tend to Be Longer Than Other Dumbbell Designs
  • Slightly Oily Surface and Rubber Smell Out of the Package

Best Round Dumbbells - Rogue Urethane Dumbbells

rogue urethane dumbbells


Pairs: $45 - $1015

Sets: $1980 - $8520


Urethane Heads w/ Steel Handles

Weight Options

Pairs: 5 Lb. - 150 Lb.

Sets: 5 Lb. - 150 Lb.

Handle diameter

31mm (5 Lb. - 45 Lb.)

34mm (50 Lb.+)


Round Heads w/ Straight Knurled Handles

Available In Sets




The Rogue Urethane Dumbbells offer high-quality handles and a strong urethane head for long term use in any home gym.

Don't care about your dumbbells rolling and want a round design instead? The Rogue Urethane Dumbbells are a good round-head dumbbell that uses highly durable urethane coating with a straight steel knurled handle.

The handles measure 31mm (5 Lb. - 45 Lb.) and 34mm (50 Lb.+) so the larger dumbbells can be thicker for smaller hands/grips. Similarly, like I mentioned, the round heads are prone to roll, but isn't a huge deal.

Again, you can buy pairs ($45 - $1015) or sets ($1980 - $8520) which both range from 5 Lb. - 150 Lb. so it covers a wide range of weight needs. 

Something I prefer about round head dumbbells is that they feel more wieldy, as in, they feel less awkward in movements and feel more comfortable resting on my legs while on a bench.

I wouldn't recommend these round-head dumbbells if you have a tight budget because the price can get high, but the pair pricing is much more affordable and what I'd buy, but the urethane material quality speaks for itself.


  • Urethane Is Highly Durable
  • Smaller Size Than Hex Dumbbells
  • Available in Pairs or Sets
  • Easy-to-Read White Font
  • Grippy Straight Knurled Handles


  • Pricier Than Other Standard Dumbbells
  • Round Head Makes Them More Prone to Roll
  • Shorter Warranty Compared to Other Dumbbells

Best Budget Dumbbells - CAP Cast Iron Hex Dumbbells

cap cast iron dumbbells


Starting at $17.99


Cast Iron w/ Enamel Coating

Weight Options

Singles: 5 Lb. - 115 Lb.

Pairs: 8 Lb. - 25 Lb.

Handle diameter

29mm (5 Lb. -45 Lb.), 

30.5mm (50 lb. -65 lb.) 

31mm (70 lb. - 80 lb.) 

31.75mm (85 lb.+)


Hex Heads w/ Straight Knurled Handles

Available In Sets

No, Pairs or singles



The CAP Cast Iron Hex Dumbbells have a hex head that prevents rolling, can be bought in pairs or singles, and have some of the best budget-friendly pricing around.

cap cast iron dumbbells

On the flip side, building a budget home gym is always a fun feeling knowing you can save money. I'd recommend spending more of your home gym budget on a good barbell and power rack, so if you want budget dumbbells, then you're in luck.

The CAP Cast Iron Hex Dumbbells are no-frills. The quality is amazing, even though cast iron is often fine, and they don't bring anything new to the table you wouldn't expect for their price.

A hex head keeps them from rolling around and the price is very good, starting at $17.99. They sell mostly in individual dumbbells, but also a few pairs for certain weight denominations.

Weights range from 5 Lb. - 115 Lb. which fits nearly any home gym need. 

Something to note is that the enamel coating is all over the dumbbell, which means the knurling too. A lot of the coating can cover the diamond pattern which negates the grip which makes them unpredictable.

They're not the best dumbbells out there, but they are among the best budget dumbbells if you need to add more strength equipment for cheap.


  • Super Budget Friendly
  • 5 Lb. - 115 Lb. Weight Options
  • Sold in Pairs or Individual
  • Hex Head Prevents Rolling


  • Cast Iron and Enamel Coating Aren't As Durable
  • Knurling Can Be Uneven Because of Cast Coating
  • 30-Day Warranty

Best Premium Dumbbells - American Barbell Series 4 Dumbbells

american barbell series iv urethane dumbbells


Starting at $2395


Urethane Heads w/ Steel Handles

Weight Options

5 Lb. - 100 Lb.

Handle diameter

32mm (5 Lb. - 35 Lb.)
35mm (40 Lb. - 100 Lb.)


Round Urethane Heads w/ Straight Knurled Handles

Available In Sets

Yes, No Pairs



The American Barbell Series 4 Dumbbells are among the highest quality dumbbells thanks to a durable urethane head and solid steel core.

american barbell series iv urethane dumbbell

Money's no option? Want to buy a whole set of dumbbells? The American Barbell Series 4 Dumbbells are the answer to your dumbbell needs.

High-quality urethane head coating (over a solid steel core) makes them among the most durable dumbbells money can buy - and you'll need plenty of money too.

Starting at $2395, the sets aren't cheap, and you can only buy sets. This is definitely not recommended for most home gyms because it's a big investment, but once you buy the entire set, you're good to go for life.

Surprisingly, these dumbbells are smaller than most which makes them very space saving. Sadly, the knurling is more passive so the heavier dumbbells might be harder to do heavy lifts like deadlifts.

Overall, the quality and durability certainly outmatch most dumbbell sets, but if you're contemplating an entire set of American Barbell Series 4 Dumbbells, expect to shell out a pretty penny.


  • Urethane Looks and Smells Better; Is Higher Quality
  • Solid Steel Core Adds Extra Durability 
  • Straight Fully Knurled Handles
  • Compact Size Saves Space


  • Round Heads Make Them Roll More
  • No Pair Options
  • Passive Knurling

Best Ergonomic Dumbbells - REP Rubber Coated Dumbbells

rep rubber coated dumbbells


Pairs: $39.99 - $214.99

Sets: $1099.99 - $3599.99


Rubber Heads w/ Rubber Handles

Weight Options

Pairs: 5 Lb. - 50 Lb.

Sets: 5 Lb. - 100 Lb.

Handle diameter

30mm (5 lb. -20 lb.)

34mm (25 lb.+)


Hex Heads w/ Contoured Handles

Available In Sets



Lifetime (Home Gym)

1-year (commercial Use)

The REP Fitness Rubber Coated Dumbbells are a fully rubber design which makes them temperature resistant and safe to drop.

rep rubber coated dumbbell

REP Fitness Rubber Coated Hex Dumbbells are, for the most part, the exact same as their regular hex dumbbells.

Obviously, you'll notice that they're rubber coated throught. So not only is the head rubber, but so is the handle. In my opinion, it's a good change to the steel handle you're used to.

It provides excellent grip and as an added bonus for lifters that workout outside, use a garage gym, or otherwise don't have much control over temperature or moisture, it means these dumbbells aren't at risk of things like rust or freezing cold handles.

You can get in either pairs or sets, ranging from 5 Lb. - 100 Lb., and the pairs are reasonably priced so it's a good alternative to more expensive urethane dumbbells.

Another plus is that they're actually slightly smaller than most hex dumbbells so it's good for confined spaces.

REP guarantees a weight tolerance of 3%, which means that the actual weight is within 3% of the stated weight, ex. 40 Lb.

The handles or grips are contoured, which might not be everyone's fancy, and the fact that pairs only go up to 50 Lb. and sets must be bought to get up to 100 Lb. is a bit of a let down, but all-in-all, a great alternative option for dumbbells.


  • Smaller Than Other Hex Dumbbells
  • Rubber Grips Are More Temperature Resistant in the Cold
  • Rubber Handles Provide Plenty of Grip
  • 3% Weight Tolerance
  • Great Warranty


  • Pairs Only Go Up to 50 Lb.
  • Must Buy Sets to Get 100 Lb.
  • Contoured Grips Aren't For Everyone

Best Adjustable Dumbbells - NÜOBELL Adjustable Dumbbells


50 Lb.: $595 

80 Lb.: $745


Hardened Plastic Heads w/ steel handles

Weight Options

5 Lb. - 80 Lb.

Handle diameter



Round Heads w/ straight knurled handles

Adjustment Mechanism

Handle Dial

Available In Sets

No (Sold in Pairs)



The NÜOBELL Adjustable Dumbbells have a fast adjustment mechanism for up to 50 Lb. or 80 Lb. and provide a barbell quality knurled handle.

Now lets take a bit of a detour.

Our first adjustable dumbbell on the list is the best adjustable dumbbell - the NÜOBELL Adjustable Dumbbells.

An adjustable dumbbell is my recommendation for a home gym over pairs or sets of dumbbells for the reason that a home gym doesn't have much space and dumbbells start to really eat away at working space.

Swapping out 10+ pairs of dumbbells for one pair of adjustable dumbbells saves space and is less time consuming, a big plus for getting in a workout fast.

Using a fast adjustment mechanism that consists of a dial and plates on the head of the dumbbell, you can rapidly change what weight you're working with.

NÜOBELL Adjustable Dumbbells come in either 50 Lb. or 80 Lb. options, with weight increments increasing by 5 Lb. starting at 5 Lb.

I was very impressed with the quality, like the barbell-similar knurled straight handle, but am a little weary of the plastic components because they're less than durable. Don't drop these dumbbells, please!

Ultimately, a pair of adjustable dumbbells will save a lot of money over the long run and even more, save you tons of space for other toys in your gym.


  • Fast Adjustment Mechanism
  • Comes In Pairs - 50 Lb. or 80 Lb.
  • Easy to Read Weight Numbers
  • Excellent Barbell Quality Knurled Handle
  • Take Up Very Little Space


  • Plastic Materials Are Not As Durable Long-Term
  • Only 2-Year Warranty

Best Fast Adjustable Dumbbell - PowerBlock Elite Series Dumbbells


50 Lb.: $359

70 Lb.: $528

90 Lb.: $697


Steel Plates w/ rubber handles & Plastic casing

Weight Options

5 Lb. - 90 Lb.

Handle diameter



Square heads w/ open rubber handle

Adjustment Mechanism

Selector Pin & Dial Lock

Available In Sets

no (sold in Pairs)



The PowerBlock Elite Series Dumbbells offer one of the fastest weight adjustment mechanism and make it easy to tell which weight you're using with a simple color system.

I very nearly put the PowerBlock Elite Series Dumbbells as my top overall choice for best adjustable dumbbells, but even though they didn't win, they come out as #1 for fastest adjustment mechanism.

Unlike the dial system that most adjustable dumbbells use, PowerBlock has a simple dial lock system where you slide in and out the weight plate racks from the base unit. Each weight is color coordinated too for easy reading.

Another reason why PowerBlock adjustable dumbbells are so great is the fact that there are various models to choose from. Some more expensive than others, but all-in-all, the price is better than plenty others around.

You can get them in weight options of 5 Lb. - 50 Lb., 70 Lb., or 90 Lb., and they still cost less than the competitors, but offer more weight. Weight increments can increase by 2.5 Lb., 5 Lb., and 10 Lb. too.

Something to mention is that the open, square-shaped handle can feel a bit uncomfortable for some lifts, but overall, I haven't found it's negatively impacted a workout for myself.

For the best combination of fast weight changing mechanism, weight options, and price, the PowerBlock Elite Series Dumbbells are second to none. 


  • Fastest Weight Adjustment Mechanism
  • Primarily Steel Construction
  • 2.5 Lb., 5 Lb., and 10 Lb. Weight Increment Options
  • Color-Coordinated Side Markers for Easy Weight Identifying


  • Stand for PowerBlock is sold separately 
  • Unusual Handle Can Be Uncomfortable at Times

Best Budget Adjustable Dumbbells - Bowflex SelectTech 552 Adjustable Dumbbells

Bowflex SelectTech 552 Dumbbells


552: $429

1090: $799


ABS Plastic & thermoplastic Rubber heads w/ steel handles

Weight Options

552: 5 Lb. - 52 Lb.

1090: 10 Lb. - 90 Lb.

Handle diameter



Round Heads w/ contoured grips

Available In Sets

No, sold in pairs



The Bowflex SelectTech 552 Adjustable Dumbbells take up very little space and give you ease of use with a dial system for weight adjustment.

The words 'budget' and 'Bowflex' usually don't go together, but today, they do! 

The Bowflex SelectTech 552 and 1090 Adjustable Dumbbells (say that 5 times fast) are two adjustable dumbbell options from Bowflex that allow for a much-improved range of workouts for a gym, reduce space needed for a dumbbell set, but aren't outrageously priced.

Bowflex's 552 Adjustable Dumbbell is in reference to the weight, it goes from 5 Lb. - 52 Lb. (1090 is 10 Lb. - 90 Lb.) and they retail for $429 and $799 respectively.

You're probably thinking that that's expensive, and it certainly isn't cheap, but compared to a set of dumbbells in those weight ranges, it's significantly cheaper.

Bowflex uses a dial weight system not unlike the NÜOBELL, which makes it easy and fast for weight changes mid-workout. 

Where this dumbbell shines, aside from price and ease-of-use, is the knurled steel handle which is very grippy.

It loses a bit of marks on the ABS plastic material used on certain elements of the dumbbells (dials, clips, etc.) which makes it less durable than other dumbbells that use mostly rubber, urethane, or steel. 

If you need a pair of dumbbells to cover you for most of your workouts, the Bowflex SelectTech Adjustable Dumbbells get high marks for price and simplicity.


  • Very Simple Dial Weight Adjustment
  • Knurled Steel Handles
  • 5 Lb. - 52 Lb. or 10 Lb. - 90 Lb. Weight Options Available
  • Affordable Adjustable Dumbbell for Budget Lifters
  • Free Shipping


  • Plenty of Plastic Material is Not Ideal
  • Stand Sold Separately

Best Loadable Dumbbells - Rogue Loadable Dumbbells

rogue db-15 loadable dumbbell


DB-10: $135 ($185 w/ OSO Collars)

DB-15: $150 ($200 w/ OSO collars)


Stainless Steel/Black Zinc Shaft w/ Black zinc sleeve coating

Weight Options

DB-10: 10 Lb.

DB-15: 15 Lb.

Loadable Sleeve Length

DB-10: 3.625"

DB-15: 6.75"

Total Length

DB-10: 14.25"

DB-15: 20.5"

Handle diameter


Available In Sets

No, sold individually



The Rogue Loadable Dumbbells offer the same quality build as the Ohio Bar in a compact sized dumbbell that feels like a miniature barbell.

rogue db15 loadable dumbbell

What do you get when you take the Rogue Ohio Bar and put it through a shrink ray? A lot of questions, like how'd you get a shrink ray.

Jokes aside, the Rogue Loadable Dumbbell is just that, a miniature Rogue Ohio Bar, which is one of the best barbells money can buy.

Built to the same specs, only smaller, the Rogue Loadable Dumbbells come in two flavors - the DB-10 (14" long) and the DB-15 (20" long) for a more dynamic gym.

It works just like a barbell. You just need weight plates and collars (option to buy w/ OSO Barbell Collars is available) to keep plates on securely and you're good to go.

The DB-10 has a loadable sleeve of 3.625" and the DB-15's sleeves are 6.75", so they can still hold quite a bit.

Handles are 28mm in diameter, so again, similar to the Ohio Bar, and it even has a tensile strength rating of 200K PSI allowing it to hold 300+ Lb.

Some of the downsides are the fact that you need to buy collars separately (unless you own some for a barbell), some plates can make it awkward for lifting (plates past 10 Lb.+), and that they sell individually and they aren't cheap.

The argument is to be made that these provide more opportunity than dumbbells or adjustable dumbbells because if you own plates, you're good to go, but they're not for every lifter.


  • Available in 14" or 20" Options
  • Same Specs as the Rogue Ohio Bar
  • 200K PSI Tensile Strength
  • Compatible With Nearly All Rogue Weight Plates
  • Lifetime Warranty


  • Sold Individually
  • Not the Cheapest Loadable Dumbbell Option
  • Doesn't Come with Collars

Best Budget Loadable Dumbbells - Titan Loadable Dumbbells


15" Pairs: $94.99

15" Individual: $59.99

36" Individual: $74.99


Chrome shaft w/ chrome sleeves

Weight Options

15": 8 Lb.

36": 24 Lb.

Loadable Sleeve Length

15": 3.75"

36": 13.75"

total length



Handle diameter


Available In Sets

No, sold in pairs or individual



The Titan Loadable Dumbbells provide a unique adjustable dumbbell with high weight capacity for under $100.

Titan Fitness Loadable Dumbbells are nearly carbon copies of the Rogue Loadable Dumbbells with a few major differences.

First, the sizes. Titan offers these loadable dumbbells in 15" or 36" choices, with the 15" having a loadable sleeve of 3.75" and the 36" ones having a loadable sleeve of 13.75", so a big upgrade on how much you can fit on each.

Secondly, they're significantly cheaper. A pair of 15" (also sold individually) sell for less than $100, while the 36" loadable dumbbells sell individually for around $75.

Again, even with the elongated loadable sleeve, a big issue is still the feeling of weights on the dumbbells getting in the way - unless you use change plates. They also don't come with collars, but if you already own a barbell, this is a non-issue.

Besides, spring collars are dirt cheap as well.

If you want a budget dumbbell that is versatile and removes the need for a big set in a smaller gym, this is your go-to.


  • Under $100 for a Pair
  • Available in 15" or 36" Sleeves
  • Sold in Pairs or Individual
  • Straight Knurled Handle Feels Like a Titan Barbell
  • Hold Up to 400 Lb.


  • Need to Buy Plates
  • Doesn't Come With Collars
  • Awkward to Use When Using Bigger Plates

Best Premium Loadable Dumbbells - Gungnir Dumblers




Stainless Steel handle w/ electroless nickel sleeves

Weight Options

12 Lb.

Loadable Sleeve Length


total Length


Handle diameter


Available In Sets

No, Sold in pairs



The Gungnir Dumblers have a unique built-in titanium SlideLock that eliminates the need for barbell collars and have some of the highest quality of any dumbbell available.

These are anything but budget in comparison to the previous two loadable dumbbells, but you'll understand why the Gungnir Dumblers are $500.

Yes, I said $500 and the reason is that it includes a titanium SlideLock collar to lock on your plates, incredibly barbell-quality knurling for the handle, a stainless steel handle, and it has electroless nickel plating for the sleeves.

A generous 4.25" loadable sleeve is more than enough for your weights, and the overall length isn't awkward like some bigger dumbbells.

Do I think you should go out and spend $500 on a pair of loadable dumbbells? Probably not. You can get similar functionality for cheaper and these loadable dumbbells hold up to 260 Lb. which is 100+ Lb. less than most competitors.

Granted, it'll take years before you're wielding 200 Lb. in each hand, but still, for the price you'd expect more.

Amazing quality is undeniable, but the price tag is hard to swallow. I'd say if you have the money and want the top of the line construction, be my guest, but you can always find a cheaper alternative that are still good quality.


  • Built-In Titanium SlideLock Removes Need for Collars
  • Incredibly High Quality
  • Not As Long as Other Loadable Dumbbells
  • Straight and Fully Knurled Handles


  • Loadable Sleeves Still Make Them Longer Than Standard Dumbbells
  • Pricier Than Other Loadable Dumbbells


2-tier: Starting at $365

3-tier: starting at $435


2x3" & 3x3" 11-Gauge steel


76.5" L x 23.75" D

2-tier height: 29.25"

3-tier height: 45.25"

shelf Options



medicine balls




The Rogue Universal Storage System 2.0 allows you to store dumbbells, kettlebells, medicine balls and the option to add vertical barbell storage; all with wheels for portability.

That's no dumbbell, it's a rack. I felt the need to include some options for dumbbell storage because frankly, it drives me bonkers when my dumbbells are just lying around and organization makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

I figured you might too, so the Rogue Universal Storage System 2.0 is a one-stop option to cure your gym organization woes, for dumbbells at least.

The ability to make it 3-tier is a big bonus if you have a lot of dumbbells, kettlebells or medicine balls that need somewhere to sit, but even the standard 2-tier is more than enough.

You have the option to upgrade for that full-storage for other weights like I mentioned, and you can add vertical barbell holders too.

The rack isn't the cheapest, especially when you consider some storage options aren't included, but it's a great rack that is made from 11-Gauge steel, and features wheels for quick mobility.

It is on the longer side for footprint dimensions with a length of 76.5", but that just means additional room for dumbbell storage and potentially means you won't need that 3-tier upgrade.


  • Can Hold Dumbbells, Kettlebells, and Medicine Balls
  • 11-Gauge Steel Frame
  • Has Wheels For Easy Moving
  • 2 or 3 Tier Heights
  • Option to Add Vertical Barbell Holders


  • 76.5" Length is Long for Small Home Gyms
  • Black Powder Coating Can Get Scuffed

Best Budget Dumbbell Rack - REP Dumbbell Rack




11-gauge steel

Weight capacity

1000 Lb.


48" L x 34.6" H x 23.4" D

shelf options





4 (red, blue, matte black, black)

The REP Dumbbell Rack offers 3 tiers and a 1000 Lb. weight capacity at only 48" long for a compact home gym storage solution.

If you're like me and not always keen to spend a lot of money, then the REP Dumbbell Rack is a perfect in-between of ultra budget and ultra quality storage rack.

First thing you'll notice is that it's 3-tier, no upgrade needed. This allows for plenty of dumbbell storage (up to 1000 Lb. weight capacity) and has nice open inserts for each rack to comfortably grab your weights.

The flat footed design makes it very stable, but even with a high weight capacity, the racks can sag just a tad because they're not fully solid.

Nevertheless, the 11-Gauge steel is tough and comes in 4 color choices (red, blue, black, matte black) for additional gym personality.

Even the footprint is modest. It measures 48" long and only 34.6" in height so it's not sacrificing more space in your gym.


  • Great Value
  • Can Hold Up to 1000 Lb.
  • Only 48" Long
  • Comes in 4 Color Options
  • Made With 11-Gauge Steel
  • 3 Tiers


  • No Wheels, Weighs 75 Lb.
  • Racks Can Dip Depending On How Much Weight

Best Ultra Budget Dumbbell Rack - Titan 3 Tier Dumbbell Rack




12-Gauge Steel

Weight capacity

800 Lb.


44.5" L x 30.5" H x 21" D

shelf options






The Titan Fitness 3 Tier Dumbbell Rack offers 3 tier dumbbell storage with open-rack design for easy dumbbell grasping at a low budget price.

Last but not least is my pick for the best budget dumbbell rack - the Titan Fitness 3 Tier Dumbbell Rack.

At just over $100, you're getting 3 tiers of dumbbell storage, a small footprint (44.5" L x 30.5" H x 21" D), an 800 Lb. weight capacity, and a unit that only weighs 45 Lb. for easy mobility.

It's not the most glamorous, and the angled rails seem to have the similar sag problem with too much weight (likely due to lower strength 12-Gauge steel), but for the price, it's the best choice for a budget gym and you can't go wrong.


  • Most Budget Friendly; Slightly Over $100
  • 3 Tiers
  • Compact at 40" Long
  • Can Hold Up to 800 Lb.
  • Only Weighs 45 Lb. for Easy Moving


  • Angled Rails Seem Less Durable Than Other Racks 
  • 12-Gauge Steel Slightly Less Durable Than 11-Gauge
  • Black Powder Coating is Scuff-Prone

Why a Home Gym Needs Dumbbells

Although the barbell is the king of home gym equipment (including the squat rack, of course), dumbbells add much needed versatility to a home gym by allowing you to perform a variety of new workouts.

Dumbbells can help perform things like bicep curls, deadlifts, squats, bench press, rows, and many more. Dumbbells even allow for unilaterial workouts (single-side exercises) such as pistol/split squats, Romanian deadlifts, or single-arm overhead press.

Essentially, whatever is done with a barbell can also be done with a dumbbell. Along with weight benches, they are a handy tool to add to your home gym.

How to Pick the Best Dumbbells for Your Home Gym


Durability is a must for dumbbells because like a barbell and weight plates, they're going to see some action over the years. Construction is key, and most people will want to go with sturdy hex rubber dumbbells.

Iron dumbbells have a classic look, but you won't want to be dropping them, whereas rubber works for functional fitness (CrossFit) but works as the overall best choice.

Home Gym Setup

What kind of gym you have is always a top consideration. Your home gym setup is likely limited in space as they always are, which is why adjustable dumbbells work best 90% of the time. If you have the space for dumbbells or a rack, then feel free.

Standard or Adjustable

Most home gym owners will be happy with adjustable dumbbells because they take up less space and cost as much, or less, than a set of dumbbells. Standard dumbbells do tend to be more durable because of higher uses of rubber or urethane coating.

Training Needs

Mainly looking to do bodybuilding-style or powerlifting training? Iron or adjustable dumbbells will suit your training goals just fine.

If, however, you want to start doing more CrossFit or Olympic style lifts but with dumbbells, then rubber is the way to go to protect the weights and your gym floor.


Budget is always a consideration for gym equipment, but it might be more so for dumbbells. You might only be looking to buy a few pairs, or maybe you want a full set, but dumbbell prices will range wildly and can climb fast. 

Consider your training needs (material, how many dumbbell weight variations you need) vs. how much you want to spend (pairs vs. sets vs. adjustable dumbbells) so you have the dumbbells that suit needs and budget.

Ease of Use

You want to find a dumbbell that feels right to use. How does the grip feel? How much range of motion do you get with it? How easy is it to swap weights (loadable or adjustable dumbbells)? 

Dumbbell Materials

Dumbbells come in a variety of different materials that set them apart from one another. Here are the different kinds of dumbbell materials.


With no protective coating (aside from the more expensive stainless steel options), this material is more susceptible to scuffs/scratches and rust. Similarly, it's loud as heck if you drop them, which isn't recommended either.


Rubber is durable and the standard for most dumbbell heads, and what I'd recommend 9 times out 10. They can be dropped without too much worry.


Urethane is a more durable rubber option and it's reflected in the price as these dumbbells cost more. That price increase means more longevity and even means no odor from the rubber.

Cast Iron

Real old school metal dumbbells. They cater to a certain aesthetic, but can be loud and often feel colder and heavier in your hands.


The least durable material, you likely won't find much plastic if any on standard dumbbells. Many adjustable dumbbells use plastic, which isn't ideal, but they aren't intended to be dropped.

Best Dumbbell - FAQs

What are the Best Dumbbells for a Home Gym?

For most lifters, the best dumbbells for a home gym are adjustable dumbbells because they take up less space and cost similar to a set of dumbbells. 

You remove the need for additional dumbbells, making them more budget-conscious, but if you want a full-set, rubber dumbbells are the most cost-to-quality value.

Should I Get a Barbell or Dumbbells for My Home Gym?

Ideally, you want both a barbell and dumbbells for a home gym as this maximizes how many exercises you can do. Dumbbells are best for accessory work or performing different range of motions, while barbells and weight plates are best for heavy lifts (squats, deadlifts, bench press, overhead press).

Dumbbells do allow for unilateral (single-side) workouts, which barbells can't, but I would suggest getting a barbell and weights first before adding dumbbells.

Should I Get Adjustable Dumbbells or Standard Dumbbells?

Adjustable dumbbells are great for space saving and will end up being more cost effective for a full-set than standard dumbbells. However, most standard dumbbells are more durable than adjustable dumbbells.

What Exercises Can I Do With Dumbbells?

Dumbbells provide plenty of accessory work to help add to your workout routine. Tricep extensions, tricep kickbacks, bicep curls, dumbbell rows, single-arm overhead press, single-leg Romanian deadlifts, lunges, and many more can help round-out your routine and training.

Nearly all barbell exercises have a dumbbell counterpart, so dumbbells provide an additional layer of strength training to compliment any goals you have.

What Kind of Dumbbell is the Most Durable?

Urethane dumbbells are the most durable, as this is the same material used for the high-quality weight plates, but it tends to cost more than regular rubber.

A benefit of urethane over regular rubber dumbbells is that urethane is odorless as well. As for handles, stainless steel is the most durable but often, dumbbells will use regular steel.

Dumbbells vs. Kettlebells?

Neither dumbbell or kettlebell is better than one another. Dumbbells are more common, but a kettlebell provides very similar advantages for range of motion and accessory work.

Kettlebells can be a valuable replacement for dumbbells or work well as an additional piece of strength equipment for training goals.

Denver Matheson

Passionate about fitness, I dedicate substantial time to both the gym and the kitchen, nourishing my body for optimal repair and growth. However, there's another crucial space that every athlete values—the research zone. That's precisely why I'm here—to share the knowledge I've acquired over the years, inspired by the generosity of others who guided me on my fitness journey. Join me as I offer valuable insights and information to help you pursue your own barbell pursuits.

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